Zephyr OS: Adding the Atmel SAM4S Xplained
by Justin Watson 2016 Sept. 30
This is an article on adding the Atmel SAM4S Xplained board to the Zephyr Operating System. We will start with the board code and continue with the SoC code. Then we will look at building and installing the binary file “zephyr.bin”. It is recommended to have the data sheet, schematic and docs available for reference as they will be needed extensively. One of the goals is to show how to figure out what your board and SoC need in order to be added to the Zephyr OS.
- TTL to USB device 3.3 Volts
- Atmel SAM4S Xplained
First we collect all the information on the Atmel SAM4S16C and the board Get the data sheet for the SAM4S16C. Also open up the Online User Guide and the board files. We next create the board directory “atmel_sam4s_xpld” inside the directory <z/boards/>. Then we will copy the files from the directory <z/boards/arduino_due/> into the new directory <z/boards/atmel_sam4s_xpld/>. We then modify the file name for the file “arduino_due_defconfig” to “atmel_sam4s_xpld_defconfig. Then we start the modifications for our board with the file “atmel_sam4s_xpld_defconfig”. Now each section is a file that we copied from the SAM3.
We need to update all part references from SAM3 to SAM4, and all chip references of SAM3XAE to SAM4S16.
No change needed.
In the file “Kconfig.board” we will change the config “BOARD_ARDUINO_DUE” to BOARD_ATMEL_SAM4S_XPLD. We will also change the prompt for the bool value to “Atmel SAM4S Xplained”. The depends statement need to be updated to the SoC on the SAM4S XPLD. This chip/soc configuration doesn’t exist yet in <z/arch/arm/soc/>. It will after we finish with the board configuration. The chip on the SAM4S Xplained is the SAM4S16. So we change the “depends” statement to “SOC_ATMEL_SAM4S16”.
In this file we need to change the “if” statement board variable to match the board variable we created in the file “Kconfig.board”. Change it to BOARD_ATMEL_SAM4S_XPLD. Also change the option “default” from “arduino_due” to “atmel_sam4s_xpld”.
The file “Makefile” requires no changes.
This file adds a function to the OS that sets up some pin configurations specific to the board. Our chip only has 3 PIOs named, A, B, and C. So all references in this file that have to do with D should be removed.
If you look at section 31.6.24 of the SAM4S data sheet you can see that this chip has 4 possible settings instead of 2. The SAM4S has A, B, C, and D, while the SAM3S only has A and B. Section 11.2 of the SAM4S data sheet has a table of what the A, B, C, and D functions do for the different pins. The __PIOm (m is A, B, C, etc.) structures come from the file <z/arch/arm/soc/atmel_sam3/>, which defines a bunch of helpful structures. We will be making our own similar file inside the directory <z/arch/arm/soc/atmel_sam4/> in the SoC section of this article.
Now just after all the defaults have been read we will modify the code to what the board has the pins connected too. We read all the settings so we have a copy. Then we modify our copy and then push the changes back.
Side question: Why do we do this instead of just changing the pins directly?
The JTAG pins are the first pin setup we come to. The code is setting the JTAG pins to 0 on the control (enable) register. On the table in 11.2 you see that the system setting for those pins is TDI, TDO, etc. We disable the Peripheral Mux on those pins so that those pins are in the system setting. PB2 and PB3 are tied to J1 and J4 so they will be easily accessible for UART to a TTL to USB device. Remove the sections for the I2C and the ADC pins. We don’t need them for our board.
Side question: Why do these pins get setup in the board file and not the application file or not as a driver?
System on Chip SoC/Chip
The Zephyr OS uses the term SoC to refer to the chip. I use the word chip and SoC interchangably throughout this file. Both terms refer to the actual chip and only the chip. The terms do not refer to the board or the architecture.
I copied the directory <atmel_sam3/> in <z/arch/arm/soc/>. Then I renamed the new copy to atmel_sam4.
Let’s start with the file Kconfig. Change all the parts in the file that say SAM3 to SAM4.
The configuration SOC_ATMEL_SAM4_EXT_SLCK is for setting the clock to an external clock. The possible clock options for our chip the SAM4S16 are in section 28 of the SAM4S data sheet. The data sheet states that there are two PLLs, PLLA and PLLB. Copy the PLLA config blocks and rename the copy to PLLB.
IRQ stands for interrupt request. The two words can be used interchangably. Configure the number of interrupt request priority bits. In section 12.8 of the SAM4S data sheet there is a bullet point that says the UIRQs have a programmable priority from 0 to 15. The numbers 0 to 15 would require 4 bits, so set the number of priority bits to 4. Set the number of IRQs to 35 based on the table in the SAM4S data sheet on page 196.
Now we need to modify the configuration setting SYS_CLOCK_HW_CYCLES_PER_SEC. First we must determine how the 84 MHz was found on the Arduino Due. Then we can follow the same process to determine the clock for the Atmel SAM4S. The config SOC_ATMEL_SAM3_PLLA_MULA is set to 0x06 and the SOC_ATMEL_SAM3_PLLA_DIVA is set to 0x01. In section 27.6.1 we find the same equation in “help” section of the configuration. The equation is (MAINCK * (MULA + 1) / DIVA). The Arduino Due schematic shows a 12 MHz clock connected to Xin and Xout. Solving that equation with the settings above we get:
(12,000,000 * (6 + 1) / 1) = 84,000,000
This means the default settigns for MULA and DIVA in this PLL equation result in the SYS_CLOCK_HW_CYCLES_PER_SEC value. Now doing the same analysis for the SAM4S Xplained board we can find the value we should set our SYS_CLOCK_HW_CYCLES_PER_SEC to. The SAM4S Xplained board also has a 12 MHz connected to Xin and Xout. The SAM4S has 2 PLLs though. This can be seen in Figure 29-2 page 517 of the SAM4S data sheet. We should also note that the clock system on both processors have a prescaler for the master clock (section 28.3, page 527, SAM4S data sheet). There is no Zephyr OS configuration for the master clock prescaler so it is left at it default of 1. The master clock prescaler is configured in the file “soc.c”. We can verify that it is at its default value by looking at the code in the section with the comment “Setup Prescaler”.
Remove the I2C block because we don’t need it to get the board running. We can add it back in later. Remove the configuration setting GPIO_ATMEL_SAM4_PORTD because there is no PORT D on the SAM4S.
Change the processor name to 4S16 from 3X8E on the lines for “config” and “bool.” Then in the setting “select” we must change the CPU_CORTEX_M3 to CPU_CORTEX_M4 because the SAM4S16 processor is a Cortex M4. This can be verified by looking in the data sheet section 12. Changing this to M4 might also require adding more information to the architecture code for the M4. We can look into this later by looking for where CPU_CORTEX_M3 is defined and used. Next change SOC_ATMEL_SAM3 to SOC_ATMEL_SAM4. The next select statement is for SYS_POWER_LOW_POWER_STATE_SUPPORTED. We need to look for the place that this is defined and used. We also need to check the data sheet to see if it is supported.
This file includes <z/arch/arm/cortex_m/script/linker.ld>. This included file “linker.ld” uses definitions to describe where code and text should go. Since we have been changing definitions to match our processor from the SAM3X8E our settings will be used and this ensures that we have the correct definitions defined.
We will leave this file alone because we aren’t adding any new source files.
File soc.c
This file will require a lot of changes. It will also help us understand how a lot of the settings in the other files are used. We may end up changing some of them in this section. Otherwise, these changes will not make sense. All sections of the code need to be compared between the data sheets for the SAM3 and SAM4.
Let’s start with the first “config” block CONFIG_SOC_ATMEL_SAM4_EXT_SLCK. Our chip has this same setup as the SAM3, so we will leave the block in. We also have this in our kernel configuration file Kconfig. This code allows the Slow Clock to be set to use an external clock. We find that the Supply Controller SUPC allows this in the SAM3 so we will check the same section of the SAM4 data sheet. The Supply Controller Control Register has similar bits. We must also check the Supply Controller structure’s start address. On the SAM3 it can be seen that the supply controller start address is 0x400E1A10. This is verified by looking at the Supply Controller Control Register’s address in the data sheet and table 16.5.2. The control register is offset 0 so the control register marks the beginning of the SUPC registers. By investigating the same section of the SAM4 data sheet, which is now section 18. We see that in table 18-2 the Supply Controller Control Register is offset 0 and thus marks the beginning of the Supply Controller structure defined in the file soc.h. The Supply Controller Control Register on the SAM4 is at address 0x400E1410. So change that SUPC_ADDR in our SAM4 file soc.h.
The next block to look at is the config block CONFIG_SOC_ATMEL_SAM3_EXT_MAINCK. Here we will do the same process with the last “config” block and ensure we have the correct addresses and a similar register structure as the SAM3. The PMC is Power Management Controller section
- There we see Table 29-3 shows offset 0 is the System Clock Enable Register. The System Clock Enable Register is located at address 0x400E0400. Update the file soc.h with the new address.
Now we are at the part of the file that sets up PLLA as the master clock. We should continue to use this because it is already there and tested with the SAM3. At this point there is no good reason to not use PLLA and the default configuration settings. This whole block uses the PMC so we know we have the register addresses correct because we set them up earlier while modifying this file. You should read the section on changing clocks to improve your understanding of what this code is doing.
Next is the function “atmel_sam3_init”. Change the name to “atmel_sam4_init”. First thing we see that we can configure is the use of CONFIG_FLASH_BASE_ADDRESS we did this in the Kconfig file so follow the same process.
Next is the setup of the flash controller. Go to the SAM4 data sheet section 20 on the “Enhanced Embedded Flash Controller EEFC.” There we can look up what the “fm” register is. There is one address for bank 0 and one for bank 1. We need to check these in our soc.h file and update them if they are different than the SAM3. They aren’t different so no update is needed. This code is changing the flash wait state. We should leave this alone since we are matching clocks and the Zephyr team probably did some checking against a real Arudino Due. EEFC information is in section 20.5.1 page 371 of the SAM4S data sheet.
Now we come to a handful of SCB functions. SCB stands for System Control Block. In the SAM4 data sheet the System Control Block is found in section 12.9. Give this a read sometime so you are more familiar with what those functions are doing at boot.
Next we see the call to the clock_init function we modified earlier. We can leave this alone because we already checked it.
Next we see the watchdog setup, which just disables the watchdog. We need to update it’s address if it different than the SAM3. Steps to do that are similar to those above for other register addresses. The Watchdog Timer is in section 17 of the SAM4 data sheet.
We will finish this file by updating the call to “atmel_sam3_init” to “atmel_sam4_init.”
File soc.h
First we see the “#ifndef” and “#define”. Change those to SAM4 from SAM3.
Next we see the IRQ numbers. The IRQ information can be found in section 11 Peripherals in table 11-1. Compare them and add those IRQs that don’t exist in the table and modify those that have a different number from the number in the SAM3. For example there are now two UARTs.
Now we can update the PID definitions. First copy and pase the IRQs and change the name IRQ to PID. Now go to section 29.17. of the SAM4 data sheet. Notice there are two peripheral clock enable registers, 0 and 1. We only need definitions for those PIDs listed in either of those registers.
Next is the PMC address, which we alrady set when updating the file soc.c.
We also notice that there is only a definition for PLLA in the soc.h file. We need to copy this PLL code block and change the variable names accordingly for PLLB.
Now we have the UART to update. There are also now two UARTs. We saw this when making the IRQ definitions. UART table of registers is in Table 35-4 page 768. First register is the Control Register. Control Register for UART0 is located at 0x400E0600 and the address for UART1 is 0x400E0800. Update the UART section in the file soc.h.
We already updated the EEFC when we updated the soc.c file.
The Peripheral DMA Controller is next for verification and is in chapter 27. These read as if they are part of the Peripheral Transter Control Register based on the name on page 27.6.9.
PIO Controllers are next for verification. PIO is in chapter 31 and the table is 31-5 on page 585. Offset 0 is the PIO Enable Register. Looking at the PIO enable register we can see there is only PIOA, PIOB, and PIOC. The rest can be removed.
The SUPC address was updated in the “soc.c” file.
The Two-wire Interface TWI is in section 34. Offset 0 is the control register. Looking at the control register we see the address for TWI0 and TWI1. Update their definitions.
The Watchdog Timer WDT address was updated in the “soc.c” file.
Below that are where the addresses are applied to the structures that provide an easier interface. We can remove the PIOD, PIOE, and PIOF structures. We will leave the rest because they do exist and are used in the soc.c file.
This file contains a bunch of structures that make it easier and more organized when working with the SOC registers. I went through each of these and verified that their offsets are correct. I suggest you do the same. We have already glanced at the chapter and table for all the registers listed in the “soc_registers.h” file.
Known Unknowns in the Board Kconfig File
Take a look at the file <z/arch/arm/defconfig>. We have several settings set to “yes” by default that we may need to create a driver for. We should also take a look at the “defconfig” file in our “atmel_sam4s_xpld” directory for other options with a “yes” as their setting. Specifically we should look at the options that we haven’t seen used in any of the files in the board’s directory or the SoC’s directory. In that file we see:
Here are the configuration options again with the file we saw them used in.
CONFIG_SOC_ATMEL_SAM3X8E=y soc/Kconfig.soc: selects several other options
CONFIG_UART_ATMEL_SAM3=y soc/Kconfig.defconfig: defines some UART definitions
CONFIG_SOC_ATMEL_SAM3_EXT_MAINCK=y soc/Kconfig.defconfig: selects the external clock
CONFIG_PINMUX=y board/Makefile: adds the pinmux if this is set to yes
Of these we have not seen the following in any files we have worked on.
So where are they used? Using ack (a grep like tool) we can search for the string in the Zephyr OS directories. Let’s first look at CORTEX_M_SYSTICK. It is used in the file <z/drivers/timer/Makefile>. The Makefile adds the file “cortex_m_systick.o” if this option is a yes. Let’s look at that file. It looks like it implements a driver for the Cortex-M systick device. That sounds like it works for Cortex-M3 (SAM3) and Cortex-M4 (SAM4). This driver “provides the standard kernel ‘system clock driver’ interfaces (cortex_m_systick.c).” Where does the register address get configured for the __scs.systick? It looks like it should be defined in scs.c under <z/arch/arm/cortex_m>. This file states that the linker places __scs at 0xe000e000. Luckily both the SAM3 and SAM4 have the same register addresses for the systick. So we will leave this for now unless there is an error the first time we try to bring the board up.
Next setting we will look at is CONFIG_CONSOLE. The Kconfig item CONSOLE is used and defined in the file <z/drivers/console/Kconfig>. The config option CONSOLE allows us to select CONSOLE_UART_CONSOLE in the kernel configuration system. It doesn’t do anything else. Looking at the other settings in this file we see the option UART_CONSOLE_ON_DEV_NAME. It is currently set to “UART_0”. We need to change this to “UART_1” because our available UART is the second UART with the label UART1 in the data sheet. So lets add this line to our “atmel_sam4s_xpld_defconfig” file with the value “UART_1”.
In a later paragraph we will see that we will be updating the serial driver for our board and SoC to match the value of the CONFIG_UART_CONSOLE_ON_DEV_NAME variable.
Let’s take a look at CONFIG_UART_CONSOLE. Searching for CONFIG_UART_CONSOLE shows that it is used in the file <z/drivers/console/Makefile>. It adds the “uart_console.o” to the list of build items. Looking at the source comments, the file “uart_console.c” looks to be a generic console handler over UART. We do not need to make any changes or another version to have it work with the SAM4.
Let’s consider the next option CONFIG_SERIAL. This option can be found in the file <z/drivers/serial/Kconfig>. At the bottom of the file we see Kconfig files for multiple SoCs. Take a look at the file “Kconfig.atmel_sam3.” This file defines many variables that will get used in the source. Read this file and take a note on what they do. We need to make a new file for the Atmel SAM4 we are working on. We also need to add this file to the Kconfig file in the directory <z/drivers/serial>. In the new file “Kconfig.atmel_sam4” Change all the words that say SAM3 to SAM4. Also review section 35, UART of the SAM4 data sheet. Update the “help” block on the menuconfig “UART_ATMEL_SAM4”. We now have 2 UARTs. Both UARTs only have Tx and Rx pins, no flow control capabilities. Also note the UART_ATMEL_SAM4_CLK_FREQ config option. We set this in <z/arch/arm/soc/Kconfig.defconfig>. We also need to update the variable UART_ATMEL_SAM4_NAME to match what we set for the config option CONFIG_UART_CONSOLE_ON_DEV_NAME. The value should be “UART_1” instead of “UART_0”.
Now we will look at the file “uart_atmel_sam3.c.” We need to make a copy of the file “uart_atmel_sam3.c” and call it “uart_atmel_sam4.c.” Rename everything that is “SAM3” to “SAM4.” Recall that in <z/arch/arm/soc/atmel_sam4/soc.h> we updated our UART_ADDR variable. We made a definition for UART0 and UART1 and set the appropriate address. Find the UART_ADDR in the uart_atmel_sam4.c file and update it to UART1_ADDR. UART1 are the available UART pins on the J1 header of the board. We need to update parts of the function “uart_sam4_init”. We need to change the PMC so that UART1 clock is enabled. We also need to make sure the PIO is disabled for our UART pins, and then we need to make sure our MUX is set for Peripheral A.
Also update the Makefile. Copy the line that adds the object file “uart_atmel_sam3.o.” Change it to SAM4.
obj-$(CONFIG_UART_ATMEL_SAM4) += uart_atmel_sam4.o
Now we have adderssed all the configuration options in arduino_due_defconfig file. We should be good to go with compiling.
We are going to compile one of the sample application for our board. Let’s use the hello-world application at <z/samples/hello_world/microkernel>. Open up the Getting Started Guide, and look at the section “Building a Sample Application.” It has the steps to build an application. Follow the steps in this document. There is a paragraph that says “The above invocation of make will build the hello_world sample application using the default settings defined in the application’s Makefile.” We need to run the command:
make BOARD=atmel_sam4s_xpld
To remove old code that might be there we must use the following command to compile:
make clean && make pristine && time make BOARD=atmel_sam4s_xpld
Specifically the command make clean
clears out all the old build files. The
command time
measures how long the build takes and outputs it at the end.
Now we have a file called “zephyr.elf” and “zephyr.bin”. We need to get one of them on the hardware. The available connections on the board are the USB debug port and the JTAG port. We can find on the Atmel Online User Guide that the debug USB port is J-Link OB. Looking through the site [www.segger.com] we find the software page and we find the J-Link OB page. It is assumed that since that second microcontroller was implementing J-Link that we just need the software to use it in Linux. Download the J-Link Linux “.tgz” or “.deb” and install J-Link. We should install the “.deb” because that will also install the udev rules. Open up the document with the name “UM08001_JLink.pdf.” The file is in the directory <JLink_Linux_V610c_x86_64\/Doc/> of the J-Link download. We now go to section 5.1 and read about connecting to a device and the proper steps. Once we have JLinkExe running then go to section 6. Then we go to section 6.4.5 J-Link Commander and read. These are the minimum commands required to connect an load our file “zephyr.bin” to the device:
JLink> device at91sam4s16c
// Hit enter to accept JTAG as the default and the other default JTAG settings
JLink> connect
Device "ATSAM4S16C" selected.
TotalIRLen = 4, IRPrint = 0x01
AP-IDR: 0x24770011, Type: AHB-AP
Found Cortex-M4 r0p1, Little endian.
FPUnit: 6 code (BP) slots and 2 literal slots
CoreSight components:
ROMTbl 0 @ E00FF000
ROMTbl 0 [0]: FFF0F000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 000BB000 SCS
ROMTbl 0 [1]: FFF02000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 003BB002 DWT
ROMTbl 0 [2]: FFF03000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 002BB003 FPB
ROMTbl 0 [3]: FFF01000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 003BB001 ITM
ROMTbl 0 [4]: FFF41000, CID: B105900D, PID: 000BB9A1 TPIU
Found 1 JTAG device, Total IRLen = 4:
#0 Id: 0x4BA00477, IRLen: 04, IRPrint: 0x1, CoreSight JTAG-DP (ARM)
Cortex-M4 identified.
JLink> loadbin <zephyr.bin>, 0x400000
Downloading file [/home/justin/Zephyr/zephyr/samples/hello_world/microkernel/outdir/zephyr.bin]...
Comparing flash [100%] Done.
Erasing flash [100%] Done.
Programming flash [100%] Done.
Verifying flash [100%] Done.
J-Link: Flash download: Flash programming performed for 2 ranges (21504 bytes)
J-Link: Flash download: Total time needed: 0.549s (Prepare: 0.200s, Compare: 0.150s, Erase: 0.020s, Program: 0.094s, Verify: 0.001s, Restore: 0.081s)
JLink> r
JLink> go
ELF format files are the default output from building any program with gcc. If we did not have a “.bin” file for JLinkExe we would have to create one using the program “objcopy”. The program “objcopy” takes an ELF and can create several different other files from it. We would need to change the file into an Intel Hex file because that is what J-Link expects. We will use the program “objcopy”, which comes with the GNU binutils package. Here is an example of turning the “zephyr.elf” file into a “zephyr.bin” file for J-Link.
objcopy -O binary zephyr.elf zephyr.bin
Now we need to hook up a USB to UART on our board. We will grab our TTL to USB device and connect the TX pin on the RX pin on the board. We will also connect the RX pin from the TTL to USB device to the RX pin on the board. We can determine which pins and header those are on the board by looking at the schematic. The section SAM4S Xplained I/O Expansion Header J1 shows that pins 3 and 4 are what we are looking for. At this point we should see our program output on our serial device. That would confirm we added the Atmel SAM4S Xplained as a board to the Zephyr OS.
To view all the code changes that were made in this article go to the project ” zephyr_atmel_sam4s_xpld”. There is only one branch called “atmel_sam4s_xpld”. Look at the commits made by me Sept. 24 to Oct. 2.